My story...
Moving to a new country and immersing myself into a foreign culture—it was exhilarating yet overwhelming.
Through the power of everyday rituals, I found myself better equipped to navigate the ups and downs of the new life in Bangkok. The simple act of donning my jewelry each morning became a symbol of empowerment - a tangible reminder that I was capable of overcoming any obstacle that crossed my path.
And this was the moment that Nahh black design began to take its own shape.
I wanted a jewelry that become a source of strength, where black diamonds, with their enigmatic allure, would offer empowerment during moments of uncertainty.

... is not just a name, it's style, philosophy. Unconventional, fearless and true to self. It suggests a sense of nonchalance or casual attitude. It's like saying "No" to stereotypes in a relaxed, informal manner, which can convey a laid-back and confident vibe.
The word "black" is often associated with sophistication, mystery, and elegance. It's a color that represents timelessness and luxury.
So when you combine "NAhh" with "black", it's intriguing contrast.
Allure of black diamonds.
Black diamonds enhance self confidence and courage, empowering to overcome challenges and achive goals, stimulates creativity and focus, at the same time calming your mind.

They are stones for individuals!
Black color is a result of numerous inclusions and impurities within crystal structure. These imperfections, knows as a graphite or carbon inclusions, gives black diamonds their dark hue.